1-قوم سکایی وآیین دفن مردگان(توضیح بیتی از شاهنامه)
2-اسطوره آفرینش در شعر حافظ
3-مقایسه ای بین عروض فارسی وعربی
4-ملاحظاتی در باب نقد جدید
5- واژگان فارسی تبار زبان انگلیسی
6- واژگان عربی تبار زبا ن انگلیسی
7-تاثیر موسیقی بر ادبیات
8-تاثیر نقاشی بر ادبیات
9-ریشه های اسطوره ای داستان رستم وسهراب
10- تاثیر حافظ بر ادبیات جهان
11- جایگاه مولانا در جهان غرب
12-نگاهی به تاریخ حماسه سرایی در جهان
13-اسطوره وتاریخ در شاهنامه
14- تاریخ انتقادی تصحیح نسخ خطی
1-قوم سکایی وآیین دفن مردگان(توضیح بیتی از شاهنامه)
1-1سکاها از جمله اقوامی بودند که در فلات ایران میزیستند و بر نوع نگرش و آداب و رسوم مردم منطقه تأثیرات بسیاری گذاشتند؛ از جمله در برگزاری برخی آدات سوگواری.
بدن هر سکایی پس از مرگ مومیایی میشد، یعنی نخست امعاء واحشاء جسد را خالی میکردند و پس از آکندن آن از سبزیهای معطر، محل بریده شده را دوخته و مرده را برای وداع نهایی با خویشان آماده میکردند. برای این منظور، جسد را در ارابه ای قرار میدادند و در حالی که هیأت عزاداران مویه کنان و اشک ریزان در پس ارابه در حرکت بودند، به نزد یکایک دوستان و آشنایان میرفتند تا همه با درگذشته وداع نمایند. این کار باید چهل روز طول میکشید. سرانجام در روز چهلم مرده به محل تدفین میرسید و طی مراسم ویژهای به خاک سپرده میشد.
شایان یادآوری است که گریستن، «خَنج» بر چهره کشیدن، موی کندن و... در مراسم سوگواری نیز یادگاری است که از نیاکان سکایی و سُغدی ما به جا مانده است، چرا که مویه کردن بر مرده هم در آیین زردشت مکروه به شمار میآمد و هم در آیین مندائی و مانوی.
این سه آیین بر این باورند که مویه بر مرگ کسان باعث آزار آنان درعالم ارواح میگردد و هر قطرهی اشکی که ریخته شود راه عبور مرده به جهان باقی را دشوارتر می سازد.(سایت آریا بوم)( http://www.aariaboom.com/content/view/259/29/)
1-2سکاهای ايران را داريوش هخامنشی سکه مي ناميد. يوناني ها اين اسم را از اين جهت به اين مردمان داده بودند که (اسکوت ) در زبان يوناني به معني پياله است و افراد اين مردم هميشه پياله با خود داشته اند.
طرحی از سربازان سکایی که از روی یک پیاله کشیده شده است
سکاها همواره با هخامنشیان درگیری مرزی داشتند از نامدارترین آنها میتوان از سکاهای تیزخود-کتیبه بیستون:سکاتیگره خوده نام برد. در یکی از همین درگیریهای مرزی کوروش بنیادگذار هخامنشی در نبردی با گروهی از سکاهای خاوری به نام ماساژت ها(تورات:ماشک فرزند آرام و نوه نوح- عهد عتیق،پیدایش33-1:10) کشته شد و یا دست کم مرگ ناگهانی کوروش به نام آنها تمام شد که نشان ازسابقه ستیزجدی بین سکاها ی ایران و هخامنشیان دارد.
داريوش هخامنشی پس از تسخير بابل درصدد برآمد سکاها را مجازات کند (بيستون ستون 5 بند 4). «داريوش شاه ميگويد، با لشکرم به مملکت سکاها رفتم ... سکائيه ... دجله ... از دريا... درقایق ها گذشتيم . به سکاها رسيدم و قسمتي را دستگير کردم . آنان را مقيد نزد من آوردند و کشتم. «سکون خا» نامي را دستگير کردم ... به کس ديگر، چنانکه اراده من بود رياست دادم بعد از آن ايالت از آن من گرديد».
از زبان قدیم آنها نوشتهای بر جای نماندهاست، اما از زبان سکاهای مغرب که در کنارهٔ دریای سیاه زندگی میکردهاند تعدادی واژه در کتابهای یونانی و لاتین باقی ماندهاست. چند نمونه از واژههای سکایی غربی عبارتاند از:
· arvant:تند و سریع
· aspa:اسب
· atar:آذر
· carma:چرم
· gausa:گوش
· Hapta:هفت
· )کتاب زبان فارسی و سرگذشت آن،نوشتهٔ دکتر ابوالقاسمی
دراوستا از سکاها سخن نرفته است، ولی از آن اقوام یاد شده که همواره اوستایی هارا مورد فشار و تاخت و تاز قرار میدادند.
گویا برنامه اقتصادی زرنت استر:گله داری صلح آمیز تحت شهریاری ASHASTRAمقتدر برای سکاها که در شرایط جنگ و تاخت و تاز و چراندن گله به سرمی بردند جذابیت کمی داشته است.
استفاده از هوم ، می و نوشیدنی های دیگر مانند منگ که مخلوطی از هوم و شراب بود توسط قبایلی از سکاها از جمله اتهاماتی است که اوستا متوجه قبایل جنگجوی سکایی که آیین زردشتی را نپذیرفتند می نماید .در اوستا از گرگان دو پا نام برده شده که باعث رنج بهدینان هستندو به آنها حمله می کنند.آیا قبیله سکایی hauma+var+aka -کتیبه بیستون :سکاهئومه ورگه -از دو کلمه هوم و گرگ به اضافه akaپسوند فرعی سازساخته نشده است؟یعنی آنها با نوشیدن هوم تبدیل به گرگها یا همان وایرهامی شوند.
از دیگر مشتقات varیاvir می توان به virus و viremia به معنای ویروس در خون اشاره نمود که با توجه به اینکه نام بسیاری از بیماری های خطرناک همچونanemia-uremia-epidemic bacterium- از نام اقوام باستانی باکتر،اور،آنه،اپی و... که با هخامنشیان به مبارزه جدی پرداختند گرفته اند به احتمال قریب به یقین چنین نامگذاری بی ارتباط با سابقه قوم مزبور نبوده است.(مراجعه کنید به کتاب دوازده قرن سکوت-ناصر پورپیرار-کتاب دوازده قرن سکوت –بخش سوم :ساسانیان- – قسمت دوم :پیشینه های ناراستی ص 57)
ظرف سکایی-موزه لنینگراد
در اوستا از قبیله ای سکایی دیگری نیزبه نام کهdanu نیز یاد شده که به معنی عام رود تنها در زبان سکایی وجود دارد.این رود در یسن 60 بند 4 طویل ترین و در بند 7 خطرناک ترین توصیف شده است .پس در اوستا 1- رودی در اسکیت 2-قبیله ای که در ساحل این رود زندگی می کند.به گفته مورخان یونانی داریوش برای سرکوب دانوها سربازانی را تا اروپا به تعقیب سکاها -کتیبه بیستون:سکاپردرایه یا سکاههای آن سوی دریا-که آن نیز نشاندهنده همداستانی دانوها با وایرهاست.
برپایه کهنترین نوشتهها فرانکها در آغاز در پانونیا در نزدیکی رود دانوب میزیستند ولی به سوی کرانههای راین کوچیدند.همچنین دیگر نوشتههای کهن به ما میگوید که سرزمین نخستین فرانکها دهانه رود دانوب در کنار دریابودهاست و اینان در زمانهای پیش از تاریخ به سوی رود راین کوچیدهاند.در همین هنگام نیز خود را بدین نام که اکنون ما انها را میشناسیم ؛فرانک Franco؛خواندهاند(نزدیک به 11 ق م ،پیش از این آنها را سیکامبرها میخواندند.این نام و خاستگاهشان نشان دهنده این است که آنها شاخهای از سکاها یا کیمیریان بوده اند.این داستان همریشه بودن با دو تیره نام برده با دیگر اسطورههای ملتهای اروپا نیز همخوانی دارد.
از آنجا که فرانکها سالیان دراز بر بخش خاوری اروپا چیرگی داشتند در میان ملتهای دیگر مانند ایرانیان،هندیان و عربها همه اروپا به نام آنان خوانده میشد،آنچنان که در فارسی به اروپایی فرنگی،در عربی الفرنجی و در هندی Feringhi گفته میشد.
فرانک ها به مرور از مرکز آلمان به داخل امپراطوری روم آمدند و به عنوان همپیمان روم قبول شدند و هستهٔ تاریخی دو کشور آلمان و فرانسه امروزی را شکل داد.
1-3 زبان ترکی چرا و چگونه به آذربایجان راه یافت؟
شادروان یحیی ذکاء
مردم آریایی نژادی که از ایران ویچ به حرکت درآمده و دسته دسته و گروه گروه مهاجرت کرده و به تدریج به ایران زمین در آمدند خود به چند تیره بزرگ به نام ماد پارس پارت و سکایی تقسیم می شدند. هریک از این تیره ها در راه مهاجرت های متوالی و تدریجی خویش پس از جنگهای فراوان و چیره شدن بر بومیان و بیرون آوردن شهرها و ده ها و دژهای آنان از چنگشان بالاخره آنان را زیر دست خود گردانیده و برای همیشه در این سرزمین جایگزین شده اند. مادها سمت غرب و شمال غربی را برگزیدند و نام خود را بر روی ان سرزمین نهادند و کشورشان را ماد یا ماذ یا به قول یونانی مدیا خواندند. پارتها در سوی شرق و شمال شرقی را برگزیدند و آنجا را به نام خود پارت یا به قول یونانیان پارتیا گفتند. سکاها در جاهای گوناگون از جمله کرانه شمالی و شمال غربی دریای خزر و قفقاز و سیستان پراکنده شدند و بلاخره نام خود را بر این سرزمین نهادند و آنجا را سگستان سجستان و سیستان(sayestan )نامیدند که بلاخره تبدیل شد به سیستان. http://zartoshtiiran.blogfa.com/cat-4.aspx
SCYTHIA (Gr. /Kvela), originally (e.g in Herodotus iv. 1 -142), the country of the Scythae or the country over which the nomad Scythae were lords, that is, the steppe from the Carpathians to the Don. With the disappearance of the Scythae as an ethnic and political entity, the name of Scythia gives place in its original seat to that of Sarmatia, and is artificially applied by geographers, on the one hand, to the Dobrudzha, the lesser Scythia of Strabo, where it remained in official use until Byzantine times; on the other, to the unknown regions of northern Asia, the Eastern Scythia of Strabo, the "Scythia intra et extra Imaum" of Ptolemy; but throughout classical literature Scythia generally meant all regions to the north and north-east of the Black Sea, and a Scythian (Scythes) any barbarian coming from those parts. Herodotus (l.c.), to whom with Hippocrates (De acre', &c. 24, sqq.) we owe our earliest knowledge (Homer, Il. xiii. 5, speaks of "mare-milkers," and Hesiod, ap. Strabo vii. 3 (7) mentions Scythae) of the land and its inhabitants, tries to restrict this merely geographical usage and to confine the word Scyth to a certain race or at any rate to that race and its subjects, but even he seems to slip back into the wider use. Hence there is much doubt as to his exact meaning.
His account of the geography falls into two irreconcilable parts; one (iv. 99 sqq.), in connexion with the tale of the invasion of Darius, makes of Scythia a kind of chessboard 4000 stades square on which the combatants can make their moves quite unhindered by the great rivers: the other (16-20), founded on what he learned from Greeks of Olbia and supplemented by the tales of the 7th century traveller Aristeas of Proconnesus, is not very far removed from first-hand information and can be made more or less to tally with the lie of the land. In accordance with this we can give the relative positions of the various tribes, and an excursus on the rivers (47-57) lets us define their actual seats. In western Scythia, starting from Olbia and going northwards, we have Callippidae on the lower Hypanis (Bug), Alazones where the Tyras (
The third account fails chiefly in being too plausible, but there seems no reason to reject it as an artificial combination of unconnected facts. According to it the Scyths dwell in Asia, and were forced by the Massagetae over the Araxes (
The physical features of the Scyths are not described by Herodotus, but Hippocrates (Lc.) draws a picture of them which makes them very similar to the Mongols as they appeared to the Franciscan missionaries in the 13th century. He says they are quite unlike any other race of men, and very like each other. The main point seems to be a tendency to slackness, fatness and excess of humours. The men are said to be in appearance very like eunuchs, and both sexes have a tendency to sexual indifference amounting in the men to impotence. When a man finds himself in this condition he assumes the women's dress and habits. Herodotus mentions the existence of this class, called Enarees, and says that they suffer from a sacred disease owing to the wrath of the goddess of Ascalon whose shrine they had plundered. Reinegg describes a similar state of things in the Nogai in the 18th century. The whole account suggests a Tatar clan in the last stage of degeneracy. Hippocrates says that this only applies to the ruling class, not to the slaves, but gives as the reason the want of exercise among the former. The skulls dug up in Scythic graves throw no light on the question, some being round and some long. The representations of nomads on objects of Greek art show people with full beards and shaggy hair, such as cannot be reconciled with Hippocrates; but the only reliefs which seem to be accurate belong to a late date when the ruling clan was Sarmatian rather than Scythic.
Herodotus gives a good survey of the customs of the Scyths: it seems mostly to apply to the ruling race. Again the closest analogy is the state of the Mongols in the 13th century, but too much weight must not be put on this, as the natural conditions of steppe-ranging nomads dictated the greater part of them. Still the correspondence of religion and of funeral rites is very close. The Scyths lived upon the produce of their herds of cattle and horses, their main food being the flesh of the latter, either cooked in a cauldron or made into a kind of haggis, and the milk of mares from which they made cheese and kumiss (a fermented drink resembling buttermilk). This necessitated their constantly moving in search of fresh pasture, spending the spring and autumn upon the open steppe, the winter and summer by the rivers for the sake of moisture and shelter. The men journeyed on horseback, the women in wagons with felt tilts. These were drawn by their cattle, and were the homes of each fam11lly. Hence the Greek names, Abii, Hippemolgi, Hamaxobii. The women were kept in subjection, and were far from enjoying the liberty granted them among the Sarmatae, among whom they rode on horseback and engaged in war. Polygamy was practised, the son inheriting his father's wives. Both men and women avoided washing, but there was something of the nature of a vapour bath, with which Herodotus has confused a custom of using the smoke of hemp as a narcotic. The women daubed themselves with a kind of cosmetic paste. The dress of the men is well shown upon the Kul Oba and Chertomlyk vases, and upon other Greek works of art made for Scythic use. It must not be confused with the fanciful barbarian costumes that are so common upon the Attic pots. They wore coats confined by belts, trousers tucked into soft boots, and hoods or tall pointed caps. The women had flowing robes, tall pointed caps, and veils descending over most of the figure. Both sexes wore many stamped gold plates sewn upon their clothes in lines or series. Their horses had severe bits, and were adorned with nose pieces, cheek pieces and saddle cloths. True stirrups were unknown. In war the nation was divided into three subkingdoms, and these into companies, each with its commander. The companies had yearly feasts, at which the commander honoured warriors who had slain one or more of the enemy. As evidence of such prowess, and as a token of his right to a share of any spoil, the warrior was accustomed to scalp his enemy and adorn his bridle with the trophy. In the case of a special enemy or an adversary overcome in a private dispute before the king, he would make a cup of the skull, mounting it in bull's hide or in gold. The tactics in war were the traditional nomad tactics of harassing the enemy on the march, constantly retreating before him and avoiding a general engagement. Their weapons consisted of bow and arrows, short swords, spears and axes. The government was a despotism, but a king who aroused the extreme dissatisfaction of his subjects was liable to be murdered.
The religion of the Scyths was nature worship. Herodotus (iv. 59) gives a list of their gods, with the Greek deities corresponding, but we cannot tell what aspect of the Greek deity is in question. He says they chiefly reverence Tahiti (Hestia), next Papaeus and his wife
The description is generally borne out by the evidence of the tombs opened in the Scythic area. None agrees in every point, but almost every detail finds a close parallel in some tomb or other. The chief divergence is in the presence of silver and copper objects, but the great quantity of gold is the most striking fact, and to say that there was nothing but gold seems merely an exaggeration. Tombs to which the name Scythic is generally applied form a welldefined class. They are preceded over the whole area by a much simpler form of burial marked by the practice of staining the bones with red ochre, and the presence of one or two rude pots and nothing more: yet that some were tombs of great chiefs is shown by the great size of the barrows heaped over them. They have been referred to the Cimmerians, but for this there is no clear evidence. The Scythic tombs can be roughly dated by the objects of Greek art that they contain. They seem to begin about the 6th century B.C., and to continue till the 2nd century A.D.; that is, they cover the period of the Scythic domination according to the account accepted above, and that of the Sarmatian, and so suggest that, as far as the archaeological evidence goes, there was little more than a change of name and perhaps the substitution of one ruling clan for another - not a real change of population. The finest of the class were opened about the bend of the
they were heaped up, before the beams supporting the central chamber had rotted, thieves made a practice of driving a mine into the mound straight to where the valuables were deposited, and it is only by the collapse of this mine and the crushing of the robber after he had thrown everything into confusion that the treasures of the Chertomlyk barrow, on the whole the most typical, were preserved to us. This was 60 ft. high and 110o ft. round; about it was a stone plinth, and it was approached by a kind of stone alley. A central shaft descended 35 ft. 6 in. below the surface of the earth, and from each corner of it at the bottom opened out side chambers. The north-west chamber communicated with a large irregular chamber into which the plunderer's mine opened. In the central pit all was in confusion, but here the king seems to have lain on a bier. His belongings, found piled up near the mine, seem to have included a combined bow-case and quiver and a sword sheath, each covered with plates of gold of Greek work, three swords with gold hafts, a hone with gold mounting, a whip, many other gold plates and a heap of arrow-heads. In the north-west chamber was a woman's skeleton, and she had her jewels, mostly of Greek work. She was attended by a man, and three other men were buried in the other chambers. They were supplied with simpler weapons and adornments, but even so their clothes had hundreds of stamped gold plates and strips of various shapes sewn on to them. By every skeleton were drinking vessels. Store of wine was contained in six amphorae, and in two bronze cauldrons were mutton-bones. The most wonderful object of all was a great two-handled vase standing 3 ft. high and made to hold kumiss. The greater part of its body is covered by a pattern of acanthus leaves, but on the shoulder is a frieze showing nomads breaking in wild mares, our chief authority for Scythian costume. To the west of the main shaft were three square pits with horses and their harness, and by them two pits with men's skeletons. In the heap itself was found an immense quantity of pieces of harness and what may be remains of a funeral car. The Greek work would seem to date the burial as of the 3rd century B.C.
At Alexandropol in the same district was an even more elaborate tomb, but its contents were in even greater confusion. Another tomb in this region, Melgunov's barrow, found as long ago as 1760, contained a dagger-sheath and pommel of Assyrian work and Greek things of the 6th century. In the Kul Oba tomb mentioned above the chamber was of stone and the contents, with one or two exceptions, of purely Greek workmanship, but the ideas underlying are the same - the king has his wife, his servant and his horse, his amphorae with wine, his cauldron with mutton-bones, his drinking vessels and his weapons, the latter being almost the only objects of barbarian style. One of the cups has a frieze with reliefs of natives supplementing that on the Chertomlyk vase.
East of the Maeotis on the Kuban we have many barrows; the most interesting are the groups called the Seven Brothers, and those of Karagodeuashkh, Kostromskaya, Ul and Kelermes, the latter remarkable for objects of Assyrian style, the others for the enormous slaughter of horses; on the Ul were four hundred in one grave.
Certain of the objects which occur in these Scythic graves are of special forms typical for the Scythic area. Most interesting of these is the dagger or sword, always very short, save in the latest graves, and distinguished by a heart-shaped guard marking the juncture of hilt and blade; its sheath is also characteristic, having a triangular projection on one side and usually a separate chape: these peculiar forms were necessitated by a special way of hanging the dagger from two straps that it might not interfere with a rider's movements. Just the same form of short sword was used in Persia and is shown on the sculptures at Persepolis. Another special type is the bow-case, made to take a short curved bow and to accommodate arrows'as well. Further, there is the peculiar cauldron on one conical foot, round which the fire was built, the cylindrical hone pierced for suspension, and the cup with a rounded bottom. Assyrian and afterwards Greek craftsmen working for Scythic employers were compelled to decorate these outlandish forms, which they did according to their own fashion: but there was also a native style with conventionalized beast decoration, which was almost always employed for the adornment of bits and horses' gear, and very often for weapons. This style and the types of dagger, cauldron, bit and twolooped socketed axehead run right across from Hungary to the upper Yenisei, where a special Bronze Age culture seems to have developed them. But even here it seems impossible to deny some influence coming from the Aegean area, and Scythic beasts are very like certain products of Mycenaean and early Ionic art. Again, the Scythic style is interesting as being one element in the art of the barbarians who conquered the
The dominance from the Yenisei to the Carpathians of a distinct style of art which, whatever its original elements may have been, seems to have taken shape as far east as the Yenisei basin is an additional argument in favour of a certain movement of population from the far north-east towards the south Russian steppes. It would correspond in time with the movement of the Scyths of which Herodotus speaks, and it may be inferred that immigrants coming from those regions were rather allied to the Tatar family of nations than to the Iranian. Similar movements from the same regions appear also to have penetrated Iran itself; hence the resemblance between the dress and daggers of certain classes of warriors on the sculptures of
To sum up the history of Scythia, the oldest inhabitants of whom we hear in Scythia were the Cimmerii; the nature of the country makes it probable that some of them were nomads, while others no doubt tilled some land in the river valleys and in the Crimea, where they left their name to ferries, earthworks and the Cimmerian Bosporus. They were probably of Iranian race: among the Persians Herodotus describes a similar mixture of nomadic and settled tribes. In the 7th century B.C. these Cimmerians were attacked and partly driven out by a horde of newcomers from upper Asia called Scythae; these imposed their name and their yoke upon all that were left in the Euxine steppes, but probably their coming did not really change the basis of the population, which remained Iranian. The newcomers adopted the language of the conquered, but brought with them new customs and a new artistic taste probably largely borrowed from the metal-working tribes of
About 512 B.C. Darius, having conquered
(I) Ancient: Herodotus iv. 1-142 (editions of Blakesley, Rawlinson, Macan); Hippocrates, De Aere, &c., c. 24 sqq.; for geography alone: Strabo vii. cc. 3, 4; xi. cc. I, 2, 6; Pliny iv. 75 sqq.; Ptolemy,